• Pumpkin Spiced Misto Americano


Pumpkin Spiced Misto Americano

The perfect way to ease into fall, in collaboration with our friends at Diaspora and Not Work Related.

The perfect way to ease into fall, in collaboration with our friends at Diaspora and Not Work Related.

Let’s get autumnal with a Pumpkin Spiced Misto Americano! As we transition from warm to cool weather, this beverage takes on on a journey from cool to warm temperatures rounding out into a delightfully spiced seasonal treat. 

Ingredients Needed

Tools Needed

  • Electric hand whisk 

  • Fast Forward

    Year-Round Blend

    Fast Forward


    nutty | sweet | creamy

    medium roast

  • Ingredient Preparation

    Oat Maple Cold Foam
    • Combine 15g of maple syrup with 50g of cold oat milk and froth with electric hand whisk 
      • 1:2 ratio of coffee to water, brewed for 25-30 seconds

        Drink Build

        Separately, combine ½ tsp of Diaspora Pumpkin Spice Blend, 1 tsp of Diaspora Madhur Jaggery powder, and a shot of espresso - thoroughly combine these ingredients together with an electric hand whisk to a thick and creamy consistency

        1. Pour this mixture on top of 8 oz of hot water
        2. Top this with the oat maple cold foam
        3. Enjoy!

        *You can substitute the espresso + hot water with 8 oz of hot coffee, simply add the spice + sweetener to the coffee and top with cold foam.

        Yield: This recipe makes one ~8 oz beverage
        Counter Culture is
        • pushing potential
        • freshly roasted
        • quality coffee
        • sustainably sourced
        • coffee-driven
        • people-driven
        • independently owned