• Photo from the Muungano Cooperative of producers in a classroom setting.

Muungano Cooperative

Tailoring Equipment and Training

2022 Seeds Fund Recipient

2022 Seeds Fund Recipient

The Muungano Cooperative—our partners that bring us Buchiro—used a Seeds grant to purchase sewing machines and train 36 women members on tailoring. After an apprenticeship period, the women set up small businesses in three remote communities to make, repair, and sell clothing for community members.

Women producers have expressed their need and desire to generate income for expenses they bear in their households. By learning to sew, they can save money they would typically spend on clothing and generate additional income to support children's education, pay for medical care, and meet other household needs without having to rely on their husbands. This supports women's self-reliance and empowers them through financial independence.

  • Buchiro

    Subscriber-Exclusive | South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo


    kiwi | lime | black tea

    light roast

  • Seeds Program

    Counter Culture Coffee collects $0.01 from every pound of coffee sold to fund our Seeds program. Annually, $1 per pound of our winter coffee blend, Iridescent, goes to further increase our contribution. Seeds offers financial grants to producers and producer organizations we work with to implement sustainability projects they identify as beneficial. To date, we’ve allocated over $280,000 to Seeds projects.