Take a deep dive into Counter Culture’s collaboration with World Coffee Research as told by Counter Culture’s western coffee manager, Katie Carguilo. In addition to her work as a coffee buyer and department leader, Katie has served on the board of World Coffee Research since 2023.
Our Work with WCR
Our work with World Coffee Research (WCR) is driven by a deep love for coffee. To many, coffee is more than a drink; it’s a livelihood, a vital component of ecosystems, and a cultural cornerstone. Yet, coffee plants are facing serious threats. Disease, climate change, and the unpredictability of production and markets jeopardize the success of 12.5 million coffee farms globally—especially the smallholder farmers* responsible for two-thirds of the world’s supply. As coffee supply consolidates, there’s a real risk that the future of coffee will be less diverse. It’s a daunting problem, and no single company can tackle the challenge alone.

That’s why Counter Culture is a proud founding member of WCR, an organization that unites the coffee industry to strengthen coffee production and improve the livelihoods of the farmers who grow it.
How WCR Drives Change
The future of coffee depends on innovation. WCR’s research identifies higher-yield, climate-resilient, and better-quality coffee plants. They direct resources to smaller coffee-producing countries, giving these origins an edge to counter supply consolidation and protect the diversity of coffee origins.

Two programs illustrate WCR’s impact:
International Multilocation Variety Trial (IMLVT) – WCR distributed 31 coffee varieties to test plots in 18 countries, collecting data on yield, disease resistance, and cup quality. This groundbreaking, longitudinal study helps farmers identify and select the best varieties for their farms. Counter Culture contributes by evaluating quality—our team roasts, tastes, and scores coffees, offering valuable market-based insights on quality and demand.
Innovea Global Coffee Breeding Network – WCR equips researchers in nine countries with advanced tools and expanded access to genetic material to breed better coffee varieties. Their “cooptition” model blends cooperation and competition. Through shared training and resources, countries collaborate to advance research. At the same time, each nation retains the unique varieties they develop, preserving their origin’s distinct strengths.

We support WCR because we believe preserving coffee’s diversity—across plant varieties, growing regions, and industry participants—is essential to its future. WCR works to "solve problems that matter," and we’re proud to stand alongside a community investing in solutions.
*Smallholder farmers cultivate less than 20 hectares of coffee